Jim Horton, P.E.Chair of The FOUNDATION
“I hold every man a debtor to his profession …
…..from the which as men of course do seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavour themselves by way of amends to be a help and ornament thereunto.”
Sir Francis Bacon, English Lawyer and Champion of Modern Science, 1561 – 1626
Thanks to the generous support of engineers, engineering-related organizations throughout Florida and others, the Florida Engineering Foundation (FEF) is proud to have been able to continue support to all of its programs during this past year. The Board of Trustees has approved a budget for the coming year that will continue that support. The 2012-13 budget provides for support to programs which includes the following:
- MATHCOUNTS®. $28,0000 in tax advantaged pass-through contributions, plus $6,500 of direct support to competition and awards.
- Scholarships. $30,000 to recipients in the Florida Engineering Society (FES) and its Practice Sections (FICE/FECON/FPEG) and the Society of Women Engineers scholarship programs.
- Florida Science and Engineering Fair. Continued support to the awards program of this event.
- Supporting the Florida Engineering Leadership Institute via the funding of two scholarships.
- Engineering College Student Chapters.
- Provide $1,000 grants to eight engineering colleges at state universities in Florida to support student engineering chapters.
- Matching Funds. Funds designated to be available as matching funds to encourage the creation of named scholarships for engineering college education.
- Association Partnering.
- Entered into the fifth year of a 10-year agreement with Florida Section of the ASCE to jointly provide $10,000 annually to support an engineering education program, and also result in a fund of $50,000 plus earnings to provide ongoing support of similar programs.
- Entered into the sixth year partnering with SWE to fund one or more scholarships annually.
- Committee Partnering. Provide funding to the FES K-12 committee to its programs.
Click to learn more about our Programs and Partners.
My continued thanks to the many volunteers who spend time to help FEF achieve its goals and to all our supporters who make our programs possible.
Jim Horton, P.E.