
For information and to apply for any of these scholarships: Click Here

Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc. Funds over $30,000 in Engineering Scholarships each year!

The Florida Engineering Society scholarships are generously funded by the Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc. (FEF). Established in 1986, FEF is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit entity whose mission is to encourage and assist students in pursuing engineering careers and to educate the public about engineering. Furthermore, the Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc. promotes and enhances engineering education in Florida in order to position our state as a technological leader in the global economy.

Florida Engineering Society scholarships inspire and encourage the pursuit of an education focused on engineering. These scholarships are made possible by the generous tax deductible contributions of Florida Engineering Society members, private companies and the general public to the Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc.

Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc. contributions can be made online upon making your contribution put “Scholarship” in the memo box or by sending your tax-deductible check made payable to the Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc. to the following address:

Florida Engineering Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 750,
Tallahassee, FL 32302-0750

2024 Scholarship Donors

Carlos Hernandez Memorial Scholarship
Juan Mayol
Alex Terletsky
Franklin Torrealba
ASCE Women in Engineering Scholarship
Chen Moore & Associates Inc
Tzufit Boyle
Melissa Burns
Kathy J Caldwell
Cristina Gonzalez
Julie Lyn Karleskint
E Bruce Lawson
Sarah Matin
Jessica McRory
Tonya Mellen
Kathleen Ruvarac
Jignesh Vyas
Carol Zollo
ASCE E Bruce Lawson LGBTQ Scholarship
Robert Best
Garit Poire