FEF Supports The Florida Engineering Education Conference
The 2019 Florida Engineering Education Conference will be held on March 1, 2019 at the University of Central Florida Campus. FEF is a proud sponsor of this event contributing around $2,000 every year. It is an event that has been described as unique in the state of Florida, the FEEC strives in bridging the engineering workforce and the academic sector, through a series of workshops, hands on activities, and networking sessions. The 2018 conference followed on from the success of all previous FEEC events, and continued to adhere to the original goals of the program: (1) to highlight the importance of articulating precollege STEM education with the “day to day” workforce applications; (2) to showcase both formal and informal STEM education models or programs; (3) and to serve as an information hub for educators, administrators, and industry partners alike. We hope that these three goals will make an impact in the pedagogy of STEM curricula.
The 13th annual FEEC, held at the UCF Student Union on March 2, 2018, had 240 registered participants. The event was opened statewide toK12 STEM teachers, administrators, practicing professionals, and other (informal)educators who are interested in attending. The FEEC works to identify engineering and other STEM education programs that have been successfully integrated into the classroom in Florida and through informal activities. Our goal is to showcase these programs via presentations and hands on activities from K-12 STEM educators and professionals involved in STEM education. Due to the continuing support from our sponsors Florida Engineering Foundation and the Florida Space Grant Program, we are able to offer this workshop at no cost to our community.